

Premier Men $270.00
Reserve Men $270.00


Division 3/4 Men $250.00
Premier Women $270.00
Reserve Women $270.00
U19 Boys $160.00
U18 Girls $160.00
U17 Boys $140.00
U15 Boys $140.00
U15 Girls $140.00
U13 Boys/Girls $120.00
U10 Rookie Sox $30.00
U6/U8 Tee Ball $30.00
Social Membership/Non Playing Members $30.00

Fees for playing in multiple teams:

Players to pay full fee of first eligible grade plus $50 for additional grade

Playing fees must be paid prior to December.

Managers cannot negotiate fees, if needing to setup a time payment for fees this must be done through Club Executive Committee only.

Auckland United Softball Club Bank Account Details

To be eligible to play for the season all fees must be paid by the due date into the following account or the player is deemed unfinancial.

Unfinancial players are not permitted to play club games or Representative games until financial.

Please make your payments into ASB 12 3071 0260954 02 putting your name and grade/s as the references.


